How does access to an after school learning space impact students
As the final part of my masters course completed action research considering the effect of an after-school “learning space” on student academic achievement and their confidence in MYP Science. If you want to read the whole report please do go to my last post. This post is the abridged version.
I compared two classes studying science; one which did not have access to an after school learning space and the other which did. I looked at how this impacted academic progression and student confidence in science. Although the findings showed a positive response to the intervention this was not statistically significant. However, when considering the sub-sample of english as second language students it did reveal a statistically significant improvement in confidence in Science. A prior literature review and my own data however also highlighted that with irregular/ low attendance the impact of a learning space in negligible.
Upon reflecting on these findings this year I am working on the involvement of more teachers and a stronger promotion of students to attend regularly. I hope that this will have a positive impact. I will just have to wait and see. Please review the presentation supporting my action research below.
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